we love our volunteers
Are you interested in joining an incredible team of volunteers who make a difference in the lives of animals and the people who care for them in our community every day?
FMAS volunteers are part of a dedicated team who are committed to helping animals to find and stay in their forever homes. We value the extraordinary work and loyalty of our volunteers and could not provide the comprehensive care that the animals so deserve without them.
FMAS provides diverse opportunities to contribute and ongoing training to volunteers to continuously expand their skill set and stay current with our animal care protocols.​
Event Support - Represent FMAS at events in the community.
Animal Kennel and Area Cleaners - Our cats, dogs and small animal areas are refreshed daily by staff and volunteers.
Laundry, Shelter Cleaning and Maintenance - There are so many ways to bolster the quality of care at FMAS.
Animal Enrichment and Socialization - Make sure each day waiting for their home is the best it can be.
Administrative and Fundraising Support - Your experience may be just the boost that is needed!
Property and Facility Maintenance/Improvement - Lend your skills and time to keep resources focused on animal care.
The FMAS minimum age for a volunteer is 18 years of age to interact with animals and 16 years of age to volunteer in the building.
FREquently asked questions
What is the time commitment?
We ask that volunteers commit to a once-a-week shift. We understand that things may come up and that’s ok! If you need to miss a shift, please let us know in advance.
When are the volunteer shifts?
Our animal care shifts (dog, cat, and small animal care) are from 8-10am and 4-6pm (pm shift timing is flexible). We also have cat care shifts at the PetSmart on South Willow Street and general shelter support shifts, which are flexible thorough the day.
What do I wear when volunteering?
You should wear long pants and comfortable clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. We require that you wear close toed shoes.
Do I need experience with animals?
No, you will be trained to care for the animals.